售 后 服 务 承 诺
一、 我公司向买方提供的拖车均为全新设备,并提供全套设备的安装和所需的各种符合国家标准的材料。
二、 在产品售出的同时,我公司会派专员为客户进行现场指导、操作示范,以便客户能更好的使用我公司的产品;
三、 保修期为一年。在保修期内,本公司实行免费维修服务。接到用户的报修电话后,在3天内到达用户指定地点,并保证在6天内解决故障。保修期过后产品具有5年的保用期,并实行终身维护。我公司提供配件服务,只收取材料成本费。
四、 产品售出后,我公司会不定期进行电话回访,更好地为客户的利益着想、给客户方便,收集客户的意见和建议,使我公司的产品更完善。
联系电话: 58098877
传 真:
Our company has established an ‘After Sales Service Department’ for both local and overseas markets. This is to consider our customer’s needs and quick response to customer’s questions and problems. The followings are our reference terms:
1. When the product is delivered, our company will send a person to train the end users how to operate our equipment at site.
2. During the warranty period, if there are any failures because of quality problems, our company will provide free parts for replacement.
3. After receiving claim call from customer, we shall send our after sale service expert within 8 working hours (local). For overseas market, we shall send our agent as fast as possible for repairing (depending on the terms and conditions of the related contract).
4. After the product is delivered, we will regularly make call to the customer, so as to understand the up-to-date conditions of our product. We shall send our engineer or our representative from time to time to inspect our product. The objective is to understand our customer’s valuable opinions so as to enhance our product’s quality.
Shanghai SuPu Aviation Ground Equipment Co., Ltd
adress: 767#, Linxin Road, YanCang Town, Nanhui Distrct, Shanghai
Postal code: 201324
Tel: 、
E-mail: webmaster@shsuper.com
Attention Mr. Liu (Mobile +86 13788982070)